This and That, Whatever Suits My Fancy..

Friday, October 28, 2011


Jen Ortiz
I’ve said it.
you’ll never know what I’ve said, the amount of tears I’ve cried and how many times I felt sick to my stomach. But it’s safe to say I've let go of you in every sense and in every way and everything you’ve given me will be boxed up to collect dust on the back shelf of my closet and if that gets to hard to stare at, I’ll burn it, watching everything turn to ashes...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Still Ranting...

Because I’m bothered by:
1. 16 and Pregnant- babies shouldn’t be havin’ babies.
2. Jersey Shore- Who can out dumb the dumbest dumb one.
3. Justin Beiber-
4. Animal Abuse- Seriously, humans?
5. Duck lips- DUCKLIPS.
6. The scorching Heat ://
7. MONSANTO- Corporate food idiotas..
8. Online Orders= Issues!
9. Religious oppression.
10. -$$$

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1:::

Kristen Stewart covers British GQ!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


It's one of those nights when I'm on the verge of sleep, but every creek and crack of this place keeps me awake. What an exhausting waste of time. I’ll need to nap during the day, never my cup of tea. I feel like laying in a field, away from the smog and noise of the city, with one other human that knows what I’m feeling without saying a single word. Is it strange that I feel connected with someone who doesn’t live in the same state? Well, I’m going to attempt to catch at least two hours of sleep now. I hope y'all have a wonderful day.

Milan Fashion Week/MAC